Website creation for the center of aesthetic medicine "EMAS CLINIC" and personal site of Dr. Emil Asirana
Website creation for the center of aesthetic medicine "EMAS CLINIC" and personal site of Dr. Emil Asirana

Website creation for the center
of aesthetic medicine "EMAS CLINIC"
and personal site of Dr. Emil Asirana

Center for aesthetic medicine EMAS CLINIC is the main project of Dr. Emil Asiana successfully developing since 2002. Fundamental in the work of a center doctors team are patient comfort, medical traditions, doctors professionalism and academic author's techniques in aesthetic dentistry.

FireShot Capture 62 - Центр сложных стоматологических случаев доктора Эмиля_ - http___emasclinic.ru_.png


Develop a modern interactive website which would have strengthened the reputation and credibility of the medical center.

Design has to conform to all modern standards and provide well-structured content.

New MacBook.png

As the result we developed a new platform of contemporary design. Block structured content on the main page allows you quickly get acquainted with the activities of the medical center.

Using enhanced navigation system easy to navigate in a sufficiently large array of information. Designed stylish infographic elements contribute to the visual memory of the site and hence of the medical center.


Personal website creation
for the Dr. Emil Asirana

Emil Asiran - member of the National Academy of Implantology and Aesthetic Dentistry and the International Academy of crafts and entrepreneurship.



Develop a modern interactive website with content that will inspire trust in visitors to the doctor activities.

Website has to offer topics that provide information about doctor specialization and his achievements.

FireShot Capture 68 - Актуальные фото о работе стоматолога-_ - http___emas-clinic.ru_doctor_gallery_.png

Ready-made website design at its best view provides information about doctor and so strengthens his reputation.

FireShot Capture 69 - Актуальные видео работы стоматолога-орт_ - http___emas-clinic.ru_doctor_video_.png


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