Website development for the "Tekhnokom" company
Website development for the "Tekhnokom" company

Website development
for the"Tekhnokom" company

"Technocom" is a rapidly developing company with experience spanning over ten years. For such an impressive period of time it took the leading place for the products sale, consulting in the IT sector, call centers and more not only in Russia but throughout the CIS. The reason for success lies in working with different clients and ability to implement a project of any complexity.

FireShot Capture 34 - ТехноКом - http___t-kom.ru_.png


Create interactive modern website design which would have strengthened company reputation and inspired confidence in customers to her business.

Fill the site with informative content that would be primarily offered to the visitors to get acquainted with implemented projects, certificates, and products of the company.


New site distinguishes by its remarkable modern design and informative content.

Information is structured according to the required sections and allows for easy familiarization with the activities and achievements of the company (certificates, projects). Advanced navigation system makes it easy to find the right products.



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