Site development for the "Legal technologies of the XXI century" fund
Site development for the "Legal technologies of the XXI century" fund

Website development for the
"Legal technologies of the XXI century" fund

The subject of the Foundation activity established in 2001 in Moscow is providing legal assistance to Russian and foreign individuals and legal entities on the territory of the Russian Federation in many areas of the law.

Сайт Фонд 21.png 


To develop the website design concept due to visitors will be able to trust to the Fund and to prefer his assistance in the field of law.

To fill the site with content which would best of all but not Intrusive has described Fund opportunities as well as its scientific activities and social projects.


The result is a new platform where it is clearly written basic information about the Fund and its possibilities. Website easy to use and visually pleasant, not crowded with unnecessary content.

The sliders on the home page let you quickly familiar with awards and social Fund projects that strengthen the trust of visitors to its activities as a whole.


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